easy to make, cat plate

I’m a sucker for anything with animals on it, we’re talking clothes, furniture (especially lamps!), iphone covers and over all nick nacks, but fondest might be plates. I collect them, I love to mix and match different plates al long as they are close to size! But since I fall in love with different plates in mostly every thrift shop I ever step in to I have to set up boundaries. The number one rule for my Odd Plate Collection is this: It hat to be an animal on it. And that is definitely harder to find then you think! I have a small collection already but I had not yet found a good cat plate. Since that was a big fall out in the collection it had to be fixed quickly. I decided to make my own.



catplate5This is the best craft for when you want to make a personal gift or only want to be creative for a hour or so. A really good one-afternoon-craft really. I bought a plain white plate at a thrift shop, they cost almost nothing, and I already had some porcelain paint and brushes at hand. Porcelain paint can be bought at any craft shop, it’s not that expensive, especially if you only pick one color as I have done in this example. They also last long and most of the paints can also be used on glass.


What you do is that you paint on your cat face, I choose to just make the nose, eyes, whiskers and ears. It’s easy and is a good thing to make with kids, inexpensive and rewarding. A good thing with porcelain painting is that you can just take some damp paper and wipe away any mistakes if your not satisfied with the outcome of one of the ears or something like that.

When you’re done with the painting you follow the instructions for the porcelain paint. It’s mostly baking the plate for half an hour and then letting it cool before use. I’ve already used mine three times, it’s my new favorite plate. I just might have to make a matching dog or something!



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